'Okada' is the local name for motocycle.
In Nigeria, okada has become a major transporter.
Commuters prefer an okada to a car, a bus, or a three wheeler also known as keke maruwa, because it always have a way to scale through the horrible traffic jam of the state, Lagos.
But, despite being of great favour to the people, it also poises a serious threat to life.
It is widely known to be involved in accident due to the reckless attitude of its riders.
A lot of lives and talents have been aborted.
Okada riders are known to contest with cars on express roads thereby leading to accidents and eventually deaths.
Also, okada which was meant for just two people (the rider and a passenger), in lagos, now became a transporter of three or more people, thereby causing unbalance, leading to accident.
Of all the accident victims in hospitals and clinics, okada victims are said to be the highest in number, which increases everyday.
In view of these, the Lagos State Government, a year ago 13-11-2012, restricted the operations of okadas to certain areas of the state.
They were restricted from plying all express roads and some major roads in the state and also from carrying more than one passenger at a time.
This action brought about a drastic change.
Commuters protested, riders cried out but government stood her ground saying its for the safety of her citizens.
Few weeks after the implementation of the restriction, medical officers applauded the state government saying accident victims are on the decrease.
In same manner, the Federal Road Safety Corp (FRSC) has recorded less accidents.
Now, a year after the restriction, life goes on with less accidents.
What is your opinion on pre-restriction and post-restriction?
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